App Savvy by Ken Yarmosh

appSavvy.gifEverybody’s doing it. They are sitting on that great idea for a next amazing application. The first lesson that Yarmosh empahsises in App Savvy is that your ‘app idea must be more than just an idea.’ The amazing rate of adoption of iOS-based appliances and the confluence of the effective marketing tool that is the appStore have created a new business model. One that allows for amazing exposure, huge first mover advantage and extremely low barriers to entry. One of the biggest challenges beyond actually creating the application is understanding the labyrinth that is getting it added to the store. Thankfully this book addresses this challenge and provides much much more. This is *the* textbook for iApp development. However, this book is not dealing with iOS coding, but instead with the larger process. It rises above the process of building the application and addresses the entire development process through building to delivery – moving from conceptualisation to realisation.

Yarmosh starts from basic business principles and quickly moves into the specificities that make the iApp business proposition a special beast. This book is directed at both entrepreneur and developer alike, and provides a comprehensive survey of the . Additionally, the content of this book provides an intriguing look at the mechanics that guide the business proposition that is the app Store and creates a bit of a case study source in itself. The inclusion of interviews/case studies with successful developers that rounds out an extremely valuable read.

I review for the O'Reilly Blogger Review Program

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